The Anglican View

With Guy and Sati

Serious comment but also poking fun at political, racial, and religious bigots 



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Spartacus And The Left.....A Lesson in How Marxists Lie

Guy Leven-Torres

12th May 2012


My favourite author is Colleen McCullough who wrote a series of superb reconstructions of ancient Republican Rome from Gaius Marius to Octavian, in which she charted the rise and fall of the warlords, or 'First Men In Rome' over the long years of this tumultuous period, that is in fact the very foundation of modern Europe and everything we are today. I get my students to read these excellent novels that should be far more renowned and popular than they are, although she enjoyed a brief period of public adulation in the last decade or so but seems to have become less so. She also wrote the Thorn Birds.

So expert and in depth was M's McCullough's reconstructions and in such detail, she even went to the length of using the out of time pre-Julian Roman 10 Month calender, before Ceasar used Cleopatra's experts to reset the seasons in his own. Cleopatra by the way was not Egyptian, 'Coptic', 'Asian' or 'black', even 'Moslem' as some later revisionist scoundrels have affected to state, in order to suit their multicultural agenda, as they have done so wickedly but also unfortunately successfully in respect of so called Moslem Spain and 'Al Andaluz', that far from being a time of of enlightenment, was one of severe Islamic oppression, blood feud and war: for these interested in such matters I recommend one reads accounts of this period from works prior to 1970.

I would even venture the opinion that the chaos and factionalism still be be found in Spain and even the Civil War iteself, probably have their origin in this earlier period of 'enlightenment'. Like the modern world of the 'Religion of Peace', it leaves in the survivors- both human and state- the endemic chaos and social instability so familiar with those to be found in Arab and other eastern historical events and sources. The Romans too had an 'Arab problem' with continual seacch and probe by horse and camel raiding nomads. So serious was the problem by the Fourth Century, an entire military frontier defence and forward warning system was evolved to deal with these pests, in search of slaves and welath to be found in the Byzantine and Persian cities. The eruption of Islam itself was simply the culmination of these events. On finding the Roman and Persian empires almost defenceless a few thousand Arab raiders decided they would stay.

I have digressed somewhat. Spartacus was not simply a Marxist 'slave revolutionary' but the creation of a Marxist film buff Howard Fast, a self-published ex- jailbird hauled before the McCarthyite inquest for 'UnAmerican acrivities'. It was my own late mother Joan who told me the true story of the real man. He was a wealthy Roman citizen of Italian descent, some of whose more immediate ancestors, had fought against Rome for the privileges of the Roman franchise in the previous generation in the War of the Allies or Socii. Spartacus was a member of the ordo eques and entitled to the eques equo publico or publically donated horse and so served as a member of the elite cavalry. He was in fact a military Tribune and something of a dare-devil, who became bored waiting for the city of Miletus to fall (if memory serves me well) under the heavy hand of a sedentary Legate, who then staged a brilliant coup at night and took the city, so showing up his senile commander Lucullus, for the old fool he was. Spartacus, instead of being lauded as the hero he was, found himself court-martialled, illegally stripped of his citizenship and sold into slavery., with the choice of the Thracian mines or becoming a gladiator. Roman historians like their Marxist successors love to denigrate their foes by scurrilous tales. Rome had acted poorly and dishonourably in respect of her allies.

It was the Roman's mistake to send him to Capua, an area renowned for its ludii or gladiator training schools and firms but also the recruiting groud for excellent Roman legionaries but especially Centurions. Ceasar himself recruited the majority of his centurions from this area in fact and around Campania. Spartacus eventually broke out, recruited not simply fellow gladiators but other disgruntled surviving Italians from the former Social War, all of whom had served in Rome's Army and trained in like manner, in such degree, they won the Empire without any just recognition. At the end of the Social War, Rome had awarded citizenship to the Italians still in arms, if they surrendered but Roman politicians like Sulla ensured their voting power was diluted in favour of the existing city born status quo, by drafting them into certain tribes in order to diminish and even negate their political effect. This was a common practice throughout the respublica with even Augustus doing the same, to enfranchised freedmen of his time by allocating them to certain tribes, where their combined voting power was limited. Some of these were awarded so- called 'Junian Rights'... a lesser form of Latin franchise.

There is no way that slaves, raised upon large 'ranches' or latifundii, could have beaten a profesional legion without thorough training on the slopes of Vesuvius under professional Centurions and them organised into Legions. Spartacus was in command of men who had served in those same forces and this is why he beat them time and again in confrontations, until three opposing forces from all points of the compass crushed him from the North under Pompey, the South under Crassus and from the East under the returning Legate Lucullus. The followers of Spartacus were the remnants of Rome's angry former allies. Soft demoralised slaves do not make good military material. Spartacus was in fact the last surviving Italian rebel leader in this final eruption of the Social War, as was his fellow Italian rebel Sertorius, with whom he attempted to link up with. You wil not though find this truthful version of events anywhere on the Internet but only in the books by Colleen McCullough.

As I said, the Marxist mindset will rewrite history, even archaeology to get its way. And this is why we see our 'elite' deny the reality of Islam and the wicked rape and murder of our children so recently revealed in the press, by Pakistani and Afghan migrants to our shores. This has been going on for 21 years in fact but the Police and social services denied it and continue to do so, in the cause of their desire for power under the equally fallacious claims of 'social cohesion'.


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 In The Cause of Common Humanity And Decency

In reply to some questions....asked civilly

Guy Leven-Torres

20th April 2012

I loathe and hate racism. This is because I simply see no rational for it. To condemn an individual simply based upon appearance is just plain daft. I have met many black and Asian Britons who are an absolute credit to themselves and this country. I am also married to one after 30 years of happiness, while every friend who married a native 'Brit' is divorced. Such is the deep trauma and damage to our culture and society- a situation that is a hundred times worse than the general public realise- caused by the multiculturalist elite, that are actually bigger inverted racists than those they seek to demonise. They are so typical of so called 'Social Democrats' who would sell their own children if it gained them access to power- and in fact by destroying relentlessly British and European society they have just done that. 'SD' is a polite euphemism for Communist- 'Social Deliquents' is a better term for 'SDs'.

Read up on the history of 'Social Democracy and you will soon realise that this evil is simply 'Rent-a-cause'. They didn't start the Trades Union movement by the way but hijacked and perverted it as they have done every other institution they have infected and corrupted, including the Labour Party itself and the Fabians. Don't swallow all the extremist garbage please, most of it simply a hidden agenda in a very old war. Look underneath and never- never take anything at face value. Their latest tool of choice is Islam and mass migration- multiculturalism is especially designed so that different groups live in harmony under their own laws. This is and always was the intent. It simply will not work. It is only a national ethic that keeps people together and this is why the 'SDs' hate us.

As for 'gays', while I am appalled by the grab for the most sacred age old base of humanity, the institution of marriage itself, that 'Clown Cameron' has sought to overturn, my solid and outspoken defence against this uncalled for treacherous attempt to subvert the very thing that guarantees our survival and stability, is based not upon hatred of Queerdom but because I know who and what lies behind it but who have duped many decent homosexual men and women in yet another SD 'Rent-a-Cause' like all the rest but worse than this, to deliberately do the impossible by altering the legal traditional meaning of marriage between opposite sexes, that I believe is solely the ancient unique prerogative of the same- to wit man and woman.

By seeking to change the very nature of this ancient and honourable union, it will in effect abolish it. Such institutions are a self- evident truth in fact. I write as a philospher herein. I also have a problem with 'Civil Partnerships' because like so much else, dreamed up by the Social Democrats in our midst, they are but the harbinger of a wider scheme to alter humanity into a Marxist preferred Image. Marxism is quite anti Evolutionary and so inhuman and unnnatural, that it will never succeed without the deaths of millions as history shows, time and again.

I number 'gays' among friends of mine, one of whom was the very best teacher I ever had, one Mike Picton- I still know him. He enthused me with Romans and it is primarily thanks to him, that I now write as I do. People are born queer and studies have shown that its frequency increases as population expands to its limits- in other words it is a natural mechanism of birth control. Fundamentalist Christian idiocy of trying to 'cure' them is plain daft too. Many of these souls have given so much to Humanity- Tchaikovsky, Sir Francis Bacon, T.E. Lawrence and many more including the Mathematician who cracked the Enigma Code and saved us from Hell. 'Gays' are part of Society and have been ever since we started out. The Social Democrats are the disease, not Queerdom that is but one more 'Rent-a- Cause' in their lust for power.

All one can be to such folk is 'Friend, Philosopher and Guide' as we should be to everybody else- we are all human unlike some it seems....


 Guy Leven-Torres

15th April 2012


Dave's Super Surplus Recycling Emporium....

'Pssstt Squoire!!? Wanna a pair of da tin legs- wink, wink, nudge, nudge??? Ex Remploy gurantee-look even left their benefit books inside? We'll frow in a wheelchair for da missus yeah? An' yer get an ATOS guarantee in French- no quibs mate! Not even on Ebay! Know wot I mean?'

How a society treats its more vulnerable members of society is a weather cock to just how civilised we are as a nation and people. Yesterday I assisted my local UKIP to distribute leaflets in the streets of Kingston-Upon-Thames. I closely observed the body language and facial reaction of those I offered the newspapers to. What I saw was something that was not there even a year or two ago- Deeply, barely restrained anger and despairing hopelessness. 

Even more disturbing was the numbers of obvious foreign migrants who comprised half at least of all the shoppers present in the town- one I know well from my youth. Almost every time I offered a UKIP paper, a raised hand reminiscent of a half Hitlerian salute, made famous by the Fuhrer himself, met my proffered paper. I joked to one of my companions 'I think we are in a nest of Nazis, everybody keeps giving me half hidden 'Heil Hitler' salutes. There was a burst of laughter as others manning the UKIP stall 'got the joke'. The lady in charge shouted 'Stop it Guy, Harry has a bad heart and doesn't need your warped sense of humour!' I changed my tack and adopted a Jewish accent- 'Vell my lovelies, vot do you vant me to tell them that it is really the Jewish Chronicle?'..More laughter. 'Guy you should be on the stage!' I use the same technique in my Roman displays- It is pure 'theatre' after all.

I always use humour to raise morale- it was clear to myself that my other UKIP companions were becoming down hearted. A punter approached so I again deployed the Yiddish accent, 'Hello my boy can I measure you for a nice kosher suit?' The fellow stopped askance

'What type of suits are you flogging then?'

'Very nice UKIP style my friend! Any colour and style you vant as long as its purple?'

'Why purple?'

'Special consignment from my brothers tailoring business- Moshe and Sons late of Saville Row- my boy! Their very popular wiv Kermit the frog and his muppet friends! Nice bit of cloth!'

The man took the UKIP paper still laughing 'That's the most original political sales pitch I've heard in a long time! By the way do the muppets vote UKIP?'

'Who else? Miss Piggy is a great fan of Mr Farage!'

I think what persuaded the man to take the paper was the open use of humour. This is a commodity that has largely disappeared from British life, to be replaced by a general increasingly oppressive atmosphere, often accompanied by violence but more worryingly a growing viciousness towards the less fortunate in our society. Tabloid 'rags' like the Daily Mail, have published some horrid stories that have quite irresponsibly demonised the weaker members of society as 'spongers and scroungers', only fit for the derision and scorn of the supposedly fully abled Mob, that work to support them, in their supposed free cash saturated 'lifestyles'. My own mother Joan was severely disabled through diabetes, one leg, and half blind. God knows what the French company would have made of her, now at the centre of a storm, caused by Department of Work and Pensions' civil servants who are scandalised at the appalling treatment accorded, even the most severely disabled, many of whom are quite incapable of climbing the three flights of stairs to ATOS headquarters. Many of these are passed as fit for work, simply for not being able to appear for examination, due to the above and so passed off as 'Failure to appear' on that basis alone. One case I heard of included a sub-normal Down's child with the mental age of a five year old. Another case dealt with a person without hands and legs but also blind. The company is also now subject to a fraud investigation..

A4e investigated for FRAUD - dwpexaminations posts - 5 authors - 22 FebNo wonder ATOS want rid of emails too incriminating and can be kept by the ... said: "A4e has zero tolerance towards fraud, and any instance of ...

       A4e employee forged signatures to boost job placement numbers ... 6 Mar 2012 – The welfare-to-work company A4e was forced to withdraw from part of a ...A source close to the inquiry said: "The fraud was obvious an..

Everybody knows that fraudsters do claim benefits. However what a horrid, malign exploitation of the weak and vulnerable. Atos are paid by results and by what logic or commonsense and decency, can it be right to introduce a pecuniary advantage favouring a scheme so designed to get as many people back to work, even it appears those without arms, legs, sight or hearing and with subnormal intelligence, in what is not a carfully planned, considerate fair scheme to assist many of the disabled to support themselves where able but is simply one more commercial scam by 'Ripoff Dave' and his pals who have now closed Remploy, the one and only company-non profit- that actually does what is says- employs the disabled? And why is it that Dave and co, or the disgusting tabloid press have not said anything, about the Moslem Benefits bill that is said to account for up to 50% and more of the whole welfare bill, supporting and paying for multiple marriages and often quite palatial accomodations? So easy for Government, to pick on those who cannot support themselves, through no fault of their own and using demagoguery to whip up mob hatred, via the gutter press against them but whose fear of the Moslem reaction, like so much else in today's Britain threatens to destroy us all. Shame on you! So Dave me ol' mucker are you a religious and racist bigot too? Nudge, nudge...wink wink say no more!


Britain's Christians are being vilified, warns Lord Carey

Christians are being “persecuted” by courts and “driven underground” in the same way that homosexuals once were, a former Archbishop of Canterbury has warned.

Britain's Christians are being vilified, warns Lord Carey
Lord Carey argues that in 'case after case' British courts have failed to protect Christian values. He urges European judges to correct the balance.  Photo: REX FEATURES

Lord Carey says worshippers are being “vilified” by the state, treated as “bigots” and sacked simply for expressing their beliefs.

The attack is part of a direct appeal to the European Court of Human Rights before a landmark case on religious freedom.

In a written submission seen by The Daily Telegraph, the former leader of more than 70 million Anglicans warns that the outward expression of traditional conservative Christian values has effectively been “banned” in Britain under a new “secular conformity of belief and conduct”.

His comments represent one of the strongest attacks on the impartiality of Britain’s judiciary from a religious leader.

He says Christians will face a “religious bar” to employment if rulings against wearing crosses and expressing their beliefs are not reversed.

Lord Carey argues that in “case after case” British courts have failed to protect Christian values. He urges European judges to correct the balance.

The hearing, due to start in Strasbourg on Sept 4, will deal with the case of two workers forced out of their jobs over the wearing of crosses as a visible manifestation of their faith. It will also take in the cases of Gary McFarlane, a counsellor sacked for saying that he may not be comfortable in giving sex therapy to homosexual couples, and a Christian registrar, who wishes not to conduct civil partnership ceremonies.

Lord Carey, who was archbishop from 1991 to 2002, warns of a “drive to remove Judaeo-Christian values from the public square”. Courts in Britain have “consistently applied equality law to discriminate against Christians”.

They show a “crude” misunderstanding of the faith by treating some believers as “bigots”. He writes: “In a country where Christians can be sacked for manifesting their faith, are vilified by State bodies, are in fear of reprisal or even arrest for expressing their views on sexual ethics, something is very wrong.

“It affects the moral and ethical compass of the United Kingdom. Christians are excluded from many sectors of employment simply because of their beliefs; beliefs which are not contrary to the public good.”

He outlines a string of cases in which he argues that British judges have used a strict reading of equality law to strip the legally established right to freedom of religion of “any substantive effect”.

“It is now Christians who are persecuted; often sought out and framed by homosexual activists,” he says. “Christians are driven underground. There appears to be a clear animus to the Christian faith and to Judaeo-Christian values. Clearly the courts of the United Kingdom require guidance.”

He says the human rights campaign has gone too far and become a political agenda.

Keith Porteous-Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society, said: “The idea that there is any kind of suppression of religion in Britain is ridiculous.

“Even in the European Convention on Human Rights, the right to religious freedom is not absolute – it is not a licence to trample on the rights of others. That seems to be what Lord Carey wants to do.”


 The Dangers Of Doctrine

Guy Leven-Torres

12th April 2012

Kant stated that we live with through our subjective experience within a manifold greater Reality. To many this is common sense, or should be. My own political and religious outlook is 18th Century 'Whig'- Edmund Burke and limited government. My main concern is the happiness of the People. Who are the 'People'? How many ask this question? The People should not be an abstracted concept. It should apply to anyone carrying the privilege of being a 'British Subject'. Please do not be fooled by the term 'subject'. This simply means that one was born into this age old condition within the sovereign territories of the Realm within the British Isles or its overseas dependencies.

We live in a feudal construct but again please do not let the term 'feudal' alarm one. We have a Monarch who is in effect our Landlady who is bidden to protect the sovereign privileges, laws and vassaldom of those whom she rules- that is us. We have a Parliament that consists of Queen, The House of Lords and Commons. All three make up the whole. Parliament is 'Sovereign' but the Monarch has the ancient Rite- not 'Right' as in Prerogative, to withold he Royal Assent from any Bill laid before Her inviolate Person as guardian of the People's hard won privileges, freedoms and laws. Despite the claims of many in modern Government, they do not have any authority to act or say otherwise as a letter of reply from Jack Straw stated to this author claiming the Queen was no longer part of Parliament but a 'figurehead' only. MPs also have absolute Parliamentary Privilege to ask any question within the House or make any kind of statement, no matter how 'controversial' or 'politically incorrect' or 'racist' or 'offensive' they like, despite what Northamptonshire Constabulary state or any other Police Force in the United Kingdom believe.

Interestingly as most of these have effectively been sold off to corporations like IBM, as in the case of Devon nd Cornwall 'Constabulary', one wonders why a sharp lawyer has not pointed out that by selling them, they have removed or re-employed thousands of people serving in the ancient office of Constable from that condition and effectively removed their authority held from this lawful office and turned them into private security forces, with no more authority to arrest than the average private British Subject but indeed most likely have less due to their now illegal status. Private armies or forces are illegal under British Law. We are not even allowed a 'Standing Army' by the way but must 'recreate' it every couple of years by an Act of Parliament.

This was drummed into us all as recruits.

Traditionally Britons and monarchs have been highly suspicious-and rightly so- of private armies or idle soldiers. It took hundreds of years to professionalise these forces with a structure befitting a modern state. Only the state may authorise military or Police action in the name of the Queen. All are subject to the Consent of the People. Modern trendy business oriented politicians, are actually reversing centuries of military and Police evolutionary advances and concepts, in seeking to privatise them and we see the ancient abuses of office and widecale corruption, poor performance and increasingly violent arrogance these advances sought to eradicate so successfully in the past. Modern globalist 'doctrine' is a dangerous deconstructive primitivising concept, as is its close ally Islam that replaces evolved Christianity with 7th Century attitudes and policies. This is not an unusual historical paradigm.

As for legal 'Fictions', these are not actually 'fictional' as many wishful thinkers in the so called 'Freeman of England' movement like to imagine. A 'fiction' is quite lawful but is merely a device to transfer or create a lawful condition of existence, or competency to a jurisdiction- perhaps to a court of law ot Royal office- in order to create legal authority over a grey area of questionable status in respect of legal rights

of action- especially in Tort-offences against the person- within a court of law where none previously existed or where it seems just to do so. The so called 'fiction' of the person created by the state at birth is simply that- it is quite lawful and simply a claim to recognition of the newborn subject and his or her entitlement to that status and their privileges and responsibilities therein. In the case of the Freeman of England 'movement' a little knowledge is a dangerous thing as many seem now to have found out. However I am familiar with Law and how it operates, they are not. And as much as they desire this fallacy in their subjective wishes, the manifold reality of British Law feels otherwise as it should. Freedom is a heavy responsibility and must operate within the protection of the law and visible, if abstract structures. Anything else is not only fantasy but dangerous to freedom itself.


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